The Ultimate Destination for Basketball Training
The Ultimate Destination for Basketball Training
Our Vision at Gysta Group Basketball Training Academy is to prepare each player so they may achieve athletic excellence to pursue basketball at the high school and college level….if they so desire.
Our Mission at Gysta Group Basketball Training Academy is to instill the principles of leadership, sportsmanship, respect, love for the game and the VALUE OF EDUCATION. We will do our best to provide the tools necessary in achieving their highest potential.
When you take a close look at the world around you, you will find one very startling observation: Everything worth learning about has a defined learning structure. Be it something advanced and scholarly like Science, Literature, or Medicine, or something normal like Plumbing, Carpentry or Mechanics.
It seems that there exists a school, a curriculum, or training of some sort for almost everything around us. Even more abstract, unstructured things like Music and Art have dedicated institutions teaching willing students how to do their best in those fields before they have to go out there and do it practically.
But there is one thing that is criminally neglected in this regard: Sports. For most sports out there, the learning curve is steep and the process reversed. The athlete first has to go out there and perform the sport before any learning begins.
We at the Gysta Group Basketball Training academy intend to change that. Now kids will no longer need to have basketballs handed to them and do the learning themselves through an inefficient system of trial and error. Aspiring players will learn the history of basketball, key offensive and defensive concepts, how to handle an online presence as a sportsperson, Basketball Officiating techniques, Sociology of Basketball, Psychology of Basketball, and a whole lot more.
This is not just a training program, it’s a complete qualification to certify that the student is a well-rounded sport professional. Each course completed will earn a certificate and upon completion of the qualification will be the proud owner of a diploma much like any other person who dedicates their time to learning thoroughly about the subject of their choice.
Like any other professional training, this qualification will provide the student with an edge against their completion if they hope to pursue basketball in the future. Let us become your partners in success.